Family Youth Interventions (FYI) is dedicated to helping young individuals coping with runaway, homeless and crisis situations. FYI offers services as a component of our parent organization − Comprehensive Youth Services, Inc. (CYS). We are located in Macomb County, MI. However our services are also available to families and individuals living in other counties.
Services Offered
- Emergency Shelter and Basic Center − for individuals 12-17 years of age
- Transitional Living Program − for individuals 16-20 years of age
Our Goals
To help families help youth become successful adults.
History and Overview
Family Youth Interventions (FYI) was originally founded in 1975 as Macomb County Youth Interim Care Facility (MCYICF) − a component of Comprehensive Youth Services, Inc. (CYS). In the mid-90’s, the agency changed its name to Family Youth Interventions.
Key Moments in History
- Spring 1976 − MCYICF opens its doors to our first client, at the convent of St. Mark’s Church in Warren.
- 2000 − FYI moves to Mount Clemens, to be more centrally located within the county.
- 2005 − FYI expands services, with a grant accepted for a Homeless Youth Program, including a Graduated Apartment Program (GAP), counseling, case management services and Tenant Based Rental Assistance.
- 2009 − Homeless Youth Program expands to include a Transitional Living Program in Mount Clemens, which opens to residents in spring of 2011.
Family Youth Interventions has always been the only organization of its kind in Macomb County. FYI works closely with counseling agencies, the Macomb County Juvenile Court, Children’s Protective Services, schools and psychiatric hospitals.
We will accept young people from any county and have even assisted youth from out of state. Anyone can make a referral to any of our programs. We are non-profit organization and our programs are of no cost to our youth and families, however we do rely heavily on donations from families and the community, so that we can provide the best possible resources for our youth and families in need.
Community Outreach
FYI staff is available to make presentations about our programs to schools, organizations and groups.
If you or someone you know would like to refer a client or family, make a donation, request a presentation or ask questions, please call (586) 465-1212.
Emergency Shelter and Basic Center Services
The FYI Emergency Shelter is a residential program that is a Child Caring Institution − licensed by the Michigan Department of Consumer and Industry Services.
Emergency Shelter and Basic Center is located at 418 Cass Avenue, Mount Clemens, MI 48043. The emergency shelter can house a maximum of six youths, ages 12 thru 17, for up to 21 days per individual.
The agency is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. FYI also maintains a 24-hour crisis line for youth, families and those interested in referring a youth to the program.
Primary funding is provided through grants from the Michigan Department of Human Services.
Assessment Criteria
Anyone can refer a youth to the program. Typically, the young people that we help are experiencing any combination of the following challenges:
- Family problems
- School issues
- Desire to run away from home
- Having run away from home
- Being a survivor of abuse or neglect
- Have had issues with police
We recommend that a call be placed to the agency before a youth arrives in person.
Before youth can be admitted into the program, they must take part in an in an assessment. During the assessment, a staff member will meet with the youth and the parent/guardian to assess their appropriateness for the program. The youth must be willing to enter the program and cannot be forced, coerced or court ordered. The individual being considered must also exhibit appropriate motivation to enter and establish a goal to complete during their stay.
It is our experience that youth who lack motivation to work toward change do not find the program beneficial. Additionally, within the design of the program, there are limitations concerning the range of problems for which we can provide help. Accordingly, youth with histories of severe drug or alcohol use, extensive psychiatric placements, significant levels of fighting or violence, or inappropriate sexual behaviors are likely to not appropriate for the program. Staff will provide the youth and family with other resources in these cases.
In many instances, program admission begins immediately following the assessment.
Daily Program Structure
One way we’ve learned to be successful is to provide clients with a highly structured daily schedule and clear expectations. Among the expectations are numerous agency guidelines that need to be adhered to. Some of the guidelines are based upon licensing requirements − including health, fire and basic safety conditions. Having a defined set of guidelines helps clients feel safe, know what to expect, establish appropriate boundaries and learn skills for successfully transitioning into adulthood. We use natural and logical consequences with the clients, to help provide necessary learning experiences. Involving parents in setting consequences is often a beneficial in helping parents or guardians prepare for the youth’s return home.
Clients are involved in a number of scheduled, organized activities throughout each day, to foster:
- Life Skills – including preparation of lunch and dinner from scratch, meal planning, household chores, goal setting, healthy living, employment skills, handling money and community service.
- Interpersonal Life Skills – such as positive communication skills, assertiveness, anger management, conflict resolution, cultural diversity, decision making, self esteem and handling stress.
- Education- for clients that don’t attend school, the clients are provided with 2 hours of organized study time a day. Staff is available to help the clients.
- Recreation- games, pool, wally ball at the YMCA, exercise, walks, XBOX 360, basketball, arts and crafts, reading, and recreational outings.
While a young individual is in the program, he or she will receive at least five hours of individual counseling over 21 days. In most cases, parent and/or guardian involvement is strongly encouraged. Ideally, a therapist plans four family sessions while the youth is in the program. FYI takes a supportive systems approach, which incorporates all aspects of the youth’s environment to promote healthy choices, responsible behavior, and a safe and supportive environment in which they live.
Location and Contact information
Family Youth Interventions – Emergency Shelter and Basic Center:
418 Cass Avenue, Mount Clemens, MI 48043
Call: (586) 465-1212
Transitional Living Program
The Transitional Living Program (TLP) is a 24 hour residential program provided by Family Youth Interventions (FYI). The program is designed to empower young adults to take control of their lives in positive and purposeful ways.
The Transitional Living Program Facility is located at 235 Cass Avenue, Mount Clemens, MI 48043.
Mission Statement
To provide shelter, basic needs, skills training and supportive services in order to develop the skills and personal characteristics needed to enable young people to become self-sufficient and successful adults.
Individuals 16 through 20 years of age who are homeless, potentially homeless or have run away from home. TLP may house up to six residents at a time and serves males and females. Services are available for a continuous period not to exceed 18 months.
Referral Process
Those interested in applying for TLP are required to fill out a two-part application. Once the application is completed, applicants then call (586) 477-1855 to set up an appointment for an interview. After the interview, a decision will be made as to whether or not the applicant is eligible for the program. At times when all beds are full, eligible applicants are put on a waiting list and contacted when a space becomes available. Applicants are accepted based on need and eligibility.
TLP provides help with:
- Building positive relationships
- Developing necessary skills for self-sufficiency
- Obtaining employment and housing
- Completing educational programs
- Health related or other needs
Program Components include:
- Individual Counseling
- Family Counseling
- Skill Building Groups
- Case management for educational, health, employment and mental health needs
- Aftercare (continued counseling and case management after a resident leaves)
Questions about to the Transitional Living Program? Call (586) 477-1855 or email
Download the two-part application here: Part I Part II
Location and Contact information
Family Youth Interventions – Transitional Living Program:
235 Cass Avenue, Mount Clemens, MI 48043
Call: (586) 477-1855
Homeless Youth Program
The Homeless Youth Program (HYP) assists older teens and young adults that are at risk of becoming homeless or are homeless. The program is funded through the Michigan Department of Human Services and The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Anyone can refer a youth to this program.
Services offered through the program:
Case Management
Eligible individuals, ages 16-24, are assigned a case manager who will work with them to develop both short and long term goals in regarding life skills including:
- Stable living arrangements
- Education and employment
- Physical and mental health,
- Decision making and coping skills,
- Family involvement
- Accessing community resources
The case manager works with each youth to help achieve these goals by developing an individualized “independent life skills” curriculum − providing referrals and advocacy for each of the goals set.
Counseling services work to foster positive development and prepare individuals to improve functioning in all areas of life. Through counseling, an individual will develop goals that address how to properly deal with stress and his or her approach to:
- Education/employment
- Social relationships
- Community relationships
- Peer relationships
- Family relationships
Family counseling is also available to help improve family relationships − potentially leading to improved communication and perhaps even family reunification.
Group Services
Clients who participate in the Homeless Youth Program are provided group services, which can be helpful for individuals to learn from one another about what is working, and what is not working, in their own programs aimed at self-sufficiency. Group therapy helps youth gain competence and confidence in many areas, while exploring possible barriers to success (such as family conflict, problems with peers, etc.). Group sessions also give individuals an opportunity to develop policy and programming related to their newfound understanding of youth and homeless issues.